
Method returns list of contractor's shipments.

Usage URL:

Query params

(put those in your URL, e.g. ?id=123)

  • id

    integer or integer[]

    Internal identifier of shipment.
    More than one value can be specified after comma (,) separator.

  • created

    datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)

    Return all shipments created after the created date. That is highly recommended when you want to update your local database.

  • modified

    datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)

    Return all shipments modified after the modified date. That is highly recommended when you want to update your local database.

  • date

    datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)

    Return all shipments shipped after the date date. That is highly recommended when you want to update your local database.

  • name


    Tracking number of the shipment.

    Example: '51234' will return all shipments that contain 51234 in the `name` field.

  • saleid

    integer or integer[]

    Internal identifier of sale.
    More than one value can be specified after comma (,) separator.

  • shipmenttypeid

    integer or integer[]

    Shipment type internal identifier.
    More than one value can be specified after comma (,) separator.

  • lang


    Language of result. ISO 2 Letter Language Codes ie

    Example: en, pl, cs

  • id


    Internal identifier of shipment.

  • created

    datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)

    When shipment was created.

  • modified

    datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)

    When shipment was last modified.

  • date

    datetime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)

    When shipment was shipped out.

  • name


    Name of shipment.

  • state


    0 - created, 1 - awaiting for pickup, 2 - shipped, 3 - cancelled, 10 - delivered (only some delivery providers)

  • weightgross


    Declared weight of package

  • orderdocumentnames


    Name of invoices that were shipped in this package (comma separated)

  • ordernames


    Document names of orders that were shipped in this package (comma separated)

  • orderids


    Order names of sales that were shipped in this package (comma separated) - due to an issue on our side - this field was wrongly marked for a long time and we are not changing it's output. To get IDs of sales/orders - use salepointers instead

  • fkshipmenttype


    Shipment type internal identifier.

  • shipmenttypename


    Shipment type name.

  • trackingurl


    External URL where package can be tracked (from courier)

Example URL:

Example URL: